Want to see velociraptors, lightsabers, and a compelling human drama of morality and greed? Sure, you could spend all summer at the movies, but why not see it all in special edition, actual 3-D (no plastic glasses required)?
Here at Hole in the Wall Theater, we’re spending our summer going back to the 90s, where cell phones were giant, the economy was great, and a corporation known as Enron was changing the way America did business. In Lucy Prebble’s acclaimed script, the dark saga of Enron’s meteoric rise and catastrophic descent gets reflected through a theatrical kaleidoscope into a corporate fantasia with puppets, barbershop quartets, light saber battles, and, yes, velociraptors.
We are offering $12 discounted tickets online for our opening night performance on Friday July 17th. That’s all the excitement and drama of a live theatrical performance for about the price of a ticket to a disappointing movie sequel. But, the discount expires on July 15th, so get your tickets now before the bubble bursts!