Meet the Actor – Rebecca Meakin as Claudia Roe


The last time Rebecca graced the Hole in the Wall stage, she was Trish, a champagne-poisoning, thieving accountant in Craig Lucas’ Reckless. This time, she’s playing Claudia Roe, Enron author Lucy Prebble’s fictional amalgam of many key female players in the Enron scandal, and a voice of reason and conscience. Kinda the opposite of Trish.

We asked Rebecca two very important questions:

Us: What’s your favorite line in the show?
Rebecca: “I thought I was the only woman in the room.”

Us: What’s your favorite nineties song?
Rebecca: “Nirvana’s Heart-shaped Box”

Be sure to come check out the show this weekend to discover the context of Rebecca’s favorite line and to find out whether or not she’ll throw down her umbilical noose so we can climb right back.