Scott Stephen Kegler is a true triple threat artist. As an actor, writer and director, he has created a body of work that is diverse in style, respected by his peers and quite quirky. His illuminating vision will come to life in HITW’s next main stage production, Fat Men in Skirts by Nicky Silver, opening on Friday, March 27th.
Fat Men in Skirts was on Scott’s directing wish list for some time. He was waiting for the right theater to come along. “The show takes a great deal of courage to put on in any theater,” said Scott. “Thankfully HITW was brave enough.”
He describes the show as “a love story that is riddled with the failures of human frailty. Each character is desperate for validation from the audience, and to believe that their story is worth our time. That the failures of each character are not owned solely by the individual. And yes, there is cannibalism and incest. That old chestnut.”
However, Scott is hopeful that the controversial subject matter doesn’t (ummm) cannibalize the heart of the play. “The shock and the humor of this show is important to help sugar coat the social commentary of the play. You have devastating violence, followed by slapstick, that is sealed with beautiful incites on family and relationships….. The show is shocking, but it is not for “shock value”. The unfortunate thing is that it is usually voted down by theaters as a project because of the language, sexuality, and violence. The amusing thing is this play is so touching and beautiful. I sometimes cannot handle it.”
Fat Men in Skirts marks Scott’s fourth time directing at HITW. Scott studied acting and directing at Eastern CT State University and Wakayama University in Japan. Writing is his biggest passion. Previous HITW credits include: The Tempest and his own published play, WHACKED. He credits the HITW membership and board for allowing artists to just create. “They don’t hold you back as often as you might be in other spaces. But you need to deliver because of this.”
And what separates HITW from the rest? “The fearless nature of the artists.”
Fat Men in Skirts runs March 27 & 28, April 3, 4, 10, 11, 17 & 18 at HITW on 116 Main Street in New Britain, CT. Tickets are $20.00 (general admission) and $15.00 (students and seniors). They can be purchased at the door and online at The March 3rd show will be our Pay What You Can performance. In keeping with our tradition of presenting theater to everyone, HITW is offering a reduced ticket price of $12.00 to our patrons for Opening Night. We encourage you to bring a friend and enjoy a great night of theater.