An event of Double D proportions!! “6 Boobs and a Pianist” is a new and original musical cabaret conceived and performed by The Rack Pack: Cindy Lesser, Kelly Boucher, Rosanne Gowdy and Music Director, Mike Gowdy. “6 Boobs and a Pianist” features hilarious music and laugh out loud sketches while celebrating and honoring cancer survivors, their families and loved ones.
A portion of every “6 Boobs and a Pianist” ticket sale in addition to all concession sales will be donated to Team Towanda Foundation, a CT based non-profit organization that provides women in need with funding for mammograms and breast related services. Team Towanda Foundation is an all-volunteer organization whose mission is to support individuals and families affected by breast cancer, with a primary focus on the uninsured and underserved. Newington Mainstage is proud to support Team Towanda Foundation’s critical work.
Newington Mainstage’s production of “6 Boobs and a Pianist” will be performed at 3 different locations throughout CT during October and November. “6 Boobs and a Pianist” can be seen at Hole in the Wall Theater on November 21 and November 22 at 8PM. For more information & detailed driving directions, please visit their website,
Tickets are $28.00 for general admission and $22.00 for students and seniors. Tickets can be purchased online by visiting http://www.brownpapertickets.