connecticut playwrights
Meet The Guy Who Turned a 2.5 Hour Play into 1 Delightful Hour!
Since we couldn’t really do a “Meet the Playwright” with Bill Shakespeare, we sat down with Bill Arnold, who adapted Shakespeare’s text for A Midsummer Night’s Dream and gave us the pithy and surprisingly-complete one-hour version that is set to open on July 15 on our Mainstage. We are very excited to close our 2015/16…
Many years ago, HITW veteran, Bill Arnold had an idea. He wanted to write a musical about a laundromat down the road from his college. He had a crush on a girl there. He took a few stabs at it, but wasn’t happy with the dialogue. Enter Scott Auden. “Scott and I started talking about it,” said…
Announcing auditions for Lint! The Musical
Hole in the Wall Theater is excited to announce auditions for Lint! The Musical written by William Arnold and Scott Auden, directed by The DeMarcos. Auditions will be held Sunday, November 15 and Monday, November 16 at 7pm at the theater. Synopsis: Phoebe’s got a problem… No matter where she goes, no matter what she does, she is…
Final Weekend of Mastodons – PWYC on Friday, Dr. Jones Returns Saturday
In keeping with its philosophy of making theater available to everyone, the Hole in the Wall Theater is adding a second Pay What You Can night to its run of “The Impracticality of Modern-Day Mastodons” on Friday, August 22nd. This new comedy is written by award-winning local playwright Rachel Teagle and features a full sized mastodon kinetic…
Mastodons on SpotLight with Virginia Wolf
Tune in today to WLIS/WMRD at 12:30 and 6:30 to hear playwright Rachel Teagle talk about her new play The Impracticality of Modern-Day Mastodons with SpotLight host, and frequent HITW actress Virginia Wolf. The two last collaborated in the 2013 24 Hour Show, where Ms. Wolf starred as a flustered Victorian time-traveler who befriend a cannibal in onesie dinosaur pajamas…
Archaeologist Dr. Jones is Back for A Sequel
Audiences at the Saturday August 2nd performance of The Impracticality of Modern-Day Mastodons got an extra treat when Connecticut State Archaeologist Dr. Brian Jones stopped by with a big box of mastodon bones to show us.We laughed, we cried, we learned. But if you missed him last Saturday, don’t despair. Dr. Jones will be back for our closing…
Talking Mastodons with Archaeologist Dr. Jones
We are pleased to announce that Connecticut State Archaeologist Dr. Brian Jones will be joining us for a post-show discussion after the Saturday August 2nd performance of “The Impracticality of Modern-Day Mastodons.” You may recognize this handsome devil from the pit band in Rocky Horror, or from rocking out at the Ceilidh with The Rude…
Jess has arrived!
The Impracticality of Modern-Day Mastodons opens on August 1st and our wonderful puppet Jess has entered the building! Jess was created by the talented Anne Cubberly of Kinetic Dreams and we think Jess is just beautiful! And here’s a link to Jess on Buzzfeed. She’s big time now, guys:
24 Hour Shows Seek Actors and Directors
It’s not too late to get in on the action! The Hole in the Wall Theater seeks additional actors and directors for our second annual 24 Hour Plays On Saturday, July 12 at 8:00pm, a group of reckless, talented, insane artists will create and perform seven short plays, written and rehearsed in the span of 24…
24 Hour Plays Are Back!
Do you like instant gratification? Do you like art that speaks to the present moment? Do you like your theater fast and furious? Then have we got a show for you. On Saturday, July 12 at 8:00pm, a group of reckless, talented, insane artists will create and perform seven short plays, written and rehearsed in the…