Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Directed by John R. Bosco and produced by Laurie Maria Cabral and Maranda Gallo, we are proud to present Jeffrey Hatcher’s adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde will open on Friday, October 6th, 2023 and will run for three weekends on Fridays and Saturdays with one (1) Sunday matinee on October 15th, 2023.

Hole in The Wall Theater is located at 116 Main Street in New Britain, Connecticut and is proud to be celebrating more than 50 years of entertaining the people of New Britain and beyond. They would like to thank the CT Humanities Council, CT DECD Supporting Arts Grant,
and the CT Cultural Fund Operating Support Grant for the help with the landmark 2022 season. They also wish to send thanks to the State
Commission of the Arts General Operating Grant for the 2023 season.

Set in the foggy 19th century streets of London, England, we follow the tale of Dr. Henry Jekyll. A man of high regard
with a dark secret that he attempts to keep hidden. But, when the dark urges of Mr. Edward Hyde threaten to undo
everything in Jekyll’s life, how far will the “good doctor” go to stop it? A timeless tale and a look through the eyes of madness.

HITW is looking forward to the time of fun and frights, and hope you’ll come down to enjoy it.