Next up in our “Meet the Actor” series, we have the lovely and sweet Titania Fairies (minus Delaney Wilbur, who plays First Fairy – you’ll meet her along with Puck). We have, from top left Eden Beaudoin, Peyton Stehle & Raechel Johnsky – bottom row is Raven Bohmier, one of our changeling children Jacob Diaz Mountzoures, and Kristen Bennett. We asked them a bunch of questions (My favorite part of this is seeing the different answers to “what is the message of the show” – here’s what they had to say:
Eden, who plays Cobweb:
HITW: In what ways are you like your character:
EDEN: I spin delicate webs, and I glisten with the morning dew.
HITW: In what ways are you NOT like your character:
EDEN: I do not run petty errands for simple mortal men.
HITW: How much Shakespeare experience (shakesperience) have you had?
EDEN: I took a Shakespeare class in college.
HITW: How many shows have you done with HITW? What were they?
EDEN: This is my first! And I think I picked a good one.
HITW: What’s the message of A Midsummer Night’s Dream?
EDEN: Strange things happen. Roll with it.
HITW: What is your favorite part of performing?
EDEN: I love getting to experiment with who I might be if I played up one part of myself others.
HITW: What’s the most exciting part of being in this production for you?
EDEN: Getting to be a part of a work of art with folks who are kind and interesting.
Favorite color: green
Favorite food: apples
Favorite cartoon: Avatar: the Last Airbender
HITW: Do you have any theater superstitions or traditions?
EDEN: nope
Next up, Peyton, who plays Peaseblossom:
HITW: In what ways are you like your character?
PEYTON: Name starts with P, happy, and spritely
HITW: In what ways are you NOT like your character?
PEYTON: I can’t fly
HITW: How much Shakespeare experience (shakesperience) have you had?
PEYTON: I’m a newbie!
HITW: How many shows have you done with HITW? What were they?
PEYTON: 3, The Crucible, Still Life With Iris, and AMND
HITW: What’s the message of A Midsummer Night’s Dream?
PEYTON: don’t fall asleep in the woods.
HITW: What is your favorite part of performing?
PEYTON: Getting to know new people
HITW: What’s the most exciting part of being in this production for you?
PEYTON: getting to meet new people
Favorite color– maroon
Favorite food – sushi
Favorite cartoon – Looney Tunes
HITW: Do you have any theater superstitions or traditions?
PEYTON: nope
Raechel Johnsky, who plays Moth, is clearly publicity shy, as she never answered our questions. It is safe to assume that her favorite color is dirt brown, her favorite food is worms and her favorite cartoon is Caillou.
Next up – Raven!
HITW: In what ways are you like your character
RAVEN: I am a bird fairy and my name is Raven.
HITW: in what ways are you NOT like your character
RAVEN: I’m not really a fairy, and I’m not very “airy” either.
HITW: How much Shakespeare experience (shakesperience) have you had?
RAVEN: I have none.
HITW: How many shows have you done with HITW? What were they?
RAVEN: I have never done a show here.
HITW: What’s the message of A Midsummer Night’s Dream?
RAVEN: It’s telling a story of love, and it should never be forced by magic because you never know what could happen.
HITW: What is your favorite part of performing?
RAVEN: I love getting into character. I love the excitement and the acting.
HITW: What’s the most exciting part of being in this production for you?
RAVEN: Meeting new friends and the acting!
Favorite color
Favorite food
Favorite cartoon
Don’t have one
HITW: Do you have any theater superstitions or traditions?
RAVEN: I believe in the ghost light for the ghost in the theatre.
and, finally, Kristen Bennett, who plays Mustardseed:
HITW: In what ways are you like your character
KRISTEN: Like Mustardseed helps care for the changeling boy, I too work with children!
HITW: In what ways are you NOT like your character
KRISTEN: I am definitely NOT dainty or graceful!
HITW: How much Shakespeare experience (shakesperience) have you had?
KRISTEN: As an English major in college, I had a lot of experience analyzing Shakespeare. This however, is my first time performing one of his plays.
HITW: How many shows have you done with HITW? What were they?
KRISTEN: This is my second show at HITW. I was in last summer’s production of Enron.
HITW: What’s the message of A Midsummer Night’s Dream?
KRISTEN: Life will always work itself out in the end, but not without a little bit of chaos and humor on the way.
HITW: What is your favorite part of performing?
KRISTEN: Meeting new people who share the same passion as I do.
HITW: What’s the most exciting part of being in this production for you?
KRISTEN: This is not only my favorite Shakespearean comedy, but the first comedy I’ve ever been cast in!
Favorite color – Blue
Favorite food – Buffalo Mac and Cheese
Favorite cartoon – Rick and Morty
HITW: Do you have any theater superstitions or traditions?
KRISTEN: I never say the actual name of the Scottish play in a theatre.
Stay tuned for more “Meet the…” posts including the creepy Oberon Fairies, The Lovers, The Royals, The Pucks and more!