Upcoming in October

October is here, and the seasons have changed. But what doesn’t change is the work we at Hole in the Wall Theater do to bring art and theater to everyone. So, there should be no surprises in the number of events coming to you from us. 

First off, the first weekend of October is the last weekend for our current show, Final Arrangements. That’s right, you have only two opportunities left to come and see what can only be the strangest night in one poor guy’s life. Despite being set in a funeral home, the only tears will be coming from all the laughter. Those nights are October 5th and 6th at 8pm, so don’t miss your chance. 

Since October is the month of spooks and monsters, HITW will be holding a very special showcase of Orson Welles’ famous radio broadcast of The War of the Worlds. In honor of 80 years of infamy, we will be holding our very own broadcast of alien invaders in front of a live audience in order to capture the spirit of old time radio and Halloween frights. The show will run for one weekend with performances on October 26th and 27th at 8pm, the 28th for a 2pm matinee, and a special anniversary performance on October 30th (also at 8pm). Be on the lookout for more information.

If scary is not for you, no worries, we have another showcase meant just for laughs. On October 13th at 8pm, we will be holding a night of stand-up comedy aptly titled Pleased as Punchline. For $15, you can come in, sit back, relax and laugh the night away along with four comics from Connecticut and Massachusetts.  

If you’d rather be a part of the entertainment, we are back with our monthly Open-Mic night. We actually have two this month, so be sure to choose between October 20th or the 31st (better known as Halloween), or both. All talents are welcome: singing, dancing, magic, comedy, etc. If you think you’ve got it, we want to see it. As always, it’s $5 for anyone willing to overcome the stage fright, and $10 for anyone who’d rather have an entertaining night out. 

If your interests are more of the hands-on variety, we have that covered, too. On various Friday evenings and Saturday afternoons, we will be preparing for our next main production, A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen. This is the time for putting the set together, and the more hands to help, the merrier. Work calls start with the strike of the Final Arrangements set on October 7th (12pm). Be sure to check out our calendar on hitw.org to see all work call opportunities, as well as all our other events coming up. 

Our Hole in the Wall family is never too big, and our doors are never closed to anyone who wants to join. Any potential members are always welcome to attend our general meeting. This month’s will be on October 10th at 7pm. You can even sit in at our next board meeting on October 3rd, also at 7pm. We’re always working on new ideas, so don’t be shy, stop on by and share what you think we can do. You can also donate at the theater online at hitw.org. It may be tax-deductible, so everybody wins. 

We look forward to our upcoming events this October, and we hope you are too.